Young Carers
Creativity + Community + Expression = Wellbeing
YOUNG CARERS are people aged under 18 who help to look after someone, usually a family member but sometimes a neighbour or friend. The cared for person could be ill, elderly, have a learning or physical disability, addiction or mental health condition.
There is strong evidence of the need for support;
40% of young carers and young adult carers said caring ‘always’ or ‘usually’ affects how much time they can spend with their friends
44% ‘always’ or ‘usually’ feel stressed because of being a young carer or young adult carer
56% of young carers and young adult carers said the time they spend caring has increased in the last year
(Ref. Carers Trust Report 2023, Being A Young Carer Is Not A Choice It’s Just What We Do)
What Young Carers Need
In 2024, we partnered with Care for the Carers to create a short film which explains in their own words what is needed to improve their lives.
We invited young carers aged 6-16 to participate in creative sessions including drama and arts-based activities enabling them to feel comfortable and safe to talk about their experiences. During the sessions we created visual and audio material which was used to create the film, first screened at a Young Carers Action Day event hosted by Care for the Carers in March 2024.
Click below to watch the film "What Young Carers Need"

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bursting the bubble
In 2021 we partnered with Care for the Carers to create a film to describe the lives of young carers. Alongside drama, art and music activities, we spoke to them about what they like, dislike and want to change about being a young carer and the way in which they are seen. These are described in the film.
Click below to watch the film "Bursting The Bubble"
play in a day
Our first experience of delivering activity for young carers was online in early 2021, through a ‘Play In A Day’ workshop with young carers between the ages of 5 and 14, working with professional theatre practitioners. When lockdown restrictions were lifted, we also delivered in person sessions at the De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill.
This work aimed to:
Bring young carers together to socialise/build relationships with peers in a fun, creative and well supported environment, providing respite from their caring roles.
Develop the skills and confidence of young carers, particularly in their communication skills.
Promote the voices of young carers, and create a platform for them to discuss the issues and challenges they face; to be supported and to offer support to others with similar lived experience
Facilitate opportunities for young carers to express their feelings and process their experiences in positive, creative ways.
Click below for a short video from our June 'Play in a Day' workshop: